Wednesday, April 19, 2006

More from the Rolling Stone interview

More from the Rolling Stone interview with Nick Lachey:

"It breaks my heart that I couldn't make Jessica happy. I wanted to be everything to my wife. I wanted her to look at me with love in her eyes, the way she did at the beginning, and have her feel like I was the most wonderful, awe-inspiring man on the planet. And when that stopped, it was the worst feeling in the world."

"I don't know what I could have done to stop [the divorce]. There weren't a lot of blow-up fights. There was just the disintegration of us. We weren't grounded anymore, I was holding on for dear life, thinking one day the storm would die down a little. But it never did. And pretty soon, there was nothing left to hold on to anymore."

When media reports had Jessica sleeping with Johnny Knoxville on the set of the Dukes of Hazzard, neither Nick or Jessica mentioned it. "We chose as a couple to ignore it. On both sides. I chose to trust. No discussion about it."

And about her rumored hook-up with Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine: "Adam and I were in a club not long ago and he came over to me to clear the air. It was a two-minute conversation. He said to me: 'Nothing happened while you guys were married.' He looked me in the eyes and said that, so I chose to believe him."

Nick says talks to Jessica every few days. "The conversations are a little awkward. The strange thing is you want business to go on as usual, like nothing ever happened, but it doesn't feel normal to be having those conversations."

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